Sunday, May 22, 2011

a not-so-typical day

Sometimes I am guilty of sitting around my apartment wishing I did something more exciting with my life. Wishing I could go somewhere and do something that would be a funny anecdote to tell others. Well, today that wish came true.

It started off like a normal day. Went to church, had my last day of teaching Sunday school before summer break, and went to church again. After church the pastor's son was really bored so he asked if he could come with me on my one errand I had planned for the day. I said sure, so we ate at Hardee's and were off. We drove to Hartford Beach so I could see ahead of time where the cabin was that we were going to use for our boys event tomorrow night. Nothing really exciting in this story except to say that he has a very interesting taste in music and plays it so loud that I will probably be shouting for a few days thinking I'm talking at a normal volume.

I got back to my apartment and called my parents just to chat. My mom tells me she's in the mood to go shopping and asks if I would like to meet her in Watertown. I say sure, so 5 minutes after arriving home I'm out the door again. We shop and then decide to eat at Applebee's. We get ready to leave and I can't find my keys. Sure enough, I locked them in the car. Now, all of my keys are on the same keychain: my apartment keys, church keys, car keys, scooter key, even church van keys. Not good.

I convince my mom that I will drive to Milbank in her car (she of course is coming along, but I didn't want her to have to drive the extra 80 this plan would require.) The plan was to call the church secretary to have unlock the church and my office so I could get my spare apartment key so I could unlock my apartment to get my spare car key. The secretary wasn't answering. I call the pastor to meet me at the church. I get to the church and the custodian is there so I banged on the door and he let me in. Can't find the key. The pastor shows up because I forgot to call him back - so we both look for the key. Not there. The secretary finally calls me back, I ask her if she has the key. She's the only one who ever borrows it to feed my fish. She says she doesn't have it. We look in her desk, we look in my desk. Nothing.

Plan B. I will go to my apartment building and hope that the lady who is basically the landlord is home and she can open my apartment for me. I knock on her door. Nothing. I quickly formulate a new plan. I will knock on my neighbor's door and climb out her balcony and walk on the ledge 5 feet to my balcony because I think I left that door unlocked. So, I knock on that door - nothing. We hear the tv in the apartment on the other side of me. I knock on that door. My new neighbor who has only met me once opens and I kindly ask him if I can climb out of his balcony. So, I climb out of his balcony and walk on this ledge around the building. I now have to go around 2 corners and both his and my air conditioners. I make it to my balcony only to discover I did, in fact, lock that door. New plan! I will somehow get the screen off the window and climb through that. I know that I never lock the windows shut. That plan works and I open the door to let my mom in the apartment. This whole time my mom's been left in the car and left in the hallway - generally just left to wait for me.

I find my spare car key and then proceed to drive my mom's car back to Watertown. Unlock my car and the drive back to Milbank again. Still don't know where my spare apartment key is...

So - yeah... not how I thought today would go, but it was an adventure!


Kim May 22, 2011 at 10:07 PM  

Climbing on balconies and everything? This could have been a movie.

I also find it hilarious that the word verification is "redosink" and thought I should share. Would you take a redo? Or does the story make it worth the hassle?

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