Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Journey: Senior High Youth Rally

I had a not so subtle hint from a friend that I should post about my weekend at the High School Youth Rally - and to my own astonishment - I'm writing it already!

Every year the Dakotas Conference of the United Methodist Church holds two rallies for its youth - the Senior High Rally now called "The Journey" is in the fall. The Middle School Rally "The Crossing" is held in March. I would say spring, but this is the Dakotas - you just never know. For example, it is October, but when I awoke Saturday morning - there was some snow on the ground. Welcome home, Katie.

So, Friday I packed three girls and their stuff into my little car. I had one cancellation due to illness, so that allowed me to drive my car to Mitchell rather than the church van. I drove the church van around Milbank on Thursday and let's just say God had His hand in providing a way for me to NOT drive that van! Anyone who knows me knows I dislike driving large vehicles - so there you go.

We had to make a stop in Arlington so I could pick up my sleeping bag at my parents' house. Oops! But one of the girls decided to actually leave the vehicle and meet my parents and my dog. The other two girls opted to stay in the car and become mutes for the rest of the trip. They communicated mostly through a serious of smiles and smirks with the occasional rolling of the eyes. Although I attempted to crack the code - I've never been very committed to studying languages... especially languages of teenage girls with attitudes.

The actually youth rally went well. I recognized many of the youth workers from working at the camp. I had a lot of people look at me, cock their head to one side, scrunch up their face and say "I know you from somewhere, don't I?" Even so, I was by myself for most of the weekend. The kids had lecture times, small group times, arts village times, option times, eating times, etc. I did not have to attend the small group or option times, so I spent that time staring off into space, or bothering my old boss Steve. He was there to promote Lake Poinsett Camp, so I did my part to help. I also did volunteer to help lead the scripture drama section of the arts village - which was enjoyable as well. It is so easy for me to forget how much I loved and still love theater.

One other small story from this weekend. We stayed at Dakota Wesleyan University and slept in their gym. On Saturday night, the football team returned victorious and needed to put their equipment away. Well, just so happens that the girls from our event use their locker rooms for showering, etc. So, I stood out in the hallway partly directing girls to wait for their showers until the football players are gone and partly waiting myself since the adult women bathroom area was also a locker room. So, there I was standing in the hallway holding my pajamas and toothpaste, etc talking to another youth worker from ND. We were trading college experiences. She dated a jock - I read books. She dated a track star - I read books. She married another track star - I read books... and so on. Then I look up and see a familiar face - a guy who graduated from USF. We don't know each other well, but I remembered his name and before I knew it I called after him. It was very evident that he didn't know me. I introduced myself and after a momentary pause the lightbulb went on in his mind and he said, "Oh yeah! You were really smart, right?" I'm still not sure how one responds to that... awkward.

Today we returned in the early afternoon. I have spent the rest of the day firmly planted on my couch watching the beginning of Robin Hood Season 2. I highly recommend this show. It is British, well-written, a mixture of action and comedy and did I mention Richard Armitage is in it? Oh yeah. :)


Anonymous October 11, 2009 at 7:49 PM  

Now that's what I like to see! And the girl language- very interesting. I wish I could have participated in their smirks- although I don't intend to drive you nuts or anything! :)

Ha, you ARE really smart, Katie Jean! :) love it. Well, blessings on your youth adventures. wish I were there...

Jacob R Parker October 12, 2009 at 4:46 PM  

Hi there,

According to your "About Me" page you're a Narnia fan! That's awesome because, on my blog, I'm giving away three free copies of a new book that I think us Narnia fans are going to love. It's called Curse of the Spider King, by best-selling author Wayne Thomas Batson and Christopher Hopper. If you're interested, Click here to check it out!

-Jacob Parker

Amanda October 26, 2009 at 7:39 PM  

ha! known for being really smart. that's awesome. my stories of college would be the same..."i read books." and not just college...but even now. too bad we don't live nearer eachother, we could read together. =)

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