Monday, April 26, 2010

Hope amidst the sadness

I want to share with you a story.

A manager of a hotel in a large city goes to work. It is a day like any other. Many people to see, tourists to direct, tasks to accomplish. Then, the ambulance has been called for one of the rooms of the hotel. It seems one of the occupants has had a heart attack. The woman is taken to the hospital with a husband following behind in shock. The manager remembers this couple - they had just checked in earlier that day. They were so excited for their bus tour the next morning.

During the night, the manager learns that the woman has passed away. That poor man is all by himself in this large city with so much to deal with. The manager decides she will help him. She comes back in the morning and takes him around. He doesn't even have a car here, and if he did - he's not going to know his way to the coroner's office. She decides to sit with him - even though there is little she can say. The man has to fill out paperwork for hours - some vacation. She bets he hasn't even eaten! He thinks he can eat a sandwich - she can at least do that. He has a flight now for the next day.

The next morning - the manager asks the man if he ate breakfast. Fruit? No, the hotel's restaurant has anything he could want. The manager leads him to a table and instructs the man to order whatever he like - on the house. The man finishes and leaves to make his flight.

The manager cannot believe the strength and courage of this man to live through what has just happened to him. To lose something so precious so far from his home. The man cannot believe the kindness of this manager. He returns home to tell of his family that has gathered around him of an angel in Washington, D.C.

Thank you angel.


Jennifer May 9, 2010 at 9:54 PM  

This was a fantastic way to share this part of the good of the Lord to provide this person.

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