Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Summer Life

Summer life is...

Busy. I thought maybe it wouldn't be so hectic this summer without all my reguarly scheduled Sunday School and youth fellowship times, but that is so not the case. I have replaced a routine with chaotic scheduling and week-long camps. But I am also loving it! I just got back from my first week-long camp "Dare 2DV8". It's a 5th and 6th grade camp and I had a group of kids from the Milbank church go along. I would not trade those experiences for anything - I am so excited for these kids to participate in youth fellowship in a couple of years.

I also went camping with my family over the 4th. My grandma Henry turned 88 this year! Her birthday is on the 4th and that is lucky because she doesn't really like being celebrated. However, I spotted some tears this year as we sang happy birthday. She's just a big softy after all!

My dad bought a scooter (a razz) for me a couple of weeks ago. I just casually mentioned that I might like to own one someday and the next thing I know there is one in the garage. It's an older model, and it's seen some tough days, but it works and is almost in my price range. My parents are working with me on the payments. It's small enough that it doesn't have to be licensed, but it still goes about 20-25 mph. It's a baby blue color and at some point I'll have to put a picture of it online. Machelle calls it "barbie blue."

Otherwise, not much else to report. I am currently waging war against fruit flies in my apt. Their numbers are such that they should win, but I have discovered their great weakness: apple cider vinegar. Put a little dish soap in with the vinegar to break the surface tension and when they land for a drink, they drown. However, now my apartment smells like vinegar and I have these cups of what looks like nasty fly soup around my apartment.

That's all for now. Hope you're enjoying your summer!


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