Friday, September 10, 2010

It all begins again

This Sunday is Rally Sunday at our church. That means we switch back from summer hours, Sunday School begins, and Youth Fellowship begins. I have a special service planned for yf this week. We are going to do a covenant service and start the year by being reminded that God has made all things new. In Christ we are a new creation. Therefore, it is my hope that we can begin this year without a lot of baggage.

Rally Sunday also means I've been busy putting the youth room back together. This last month has been spent priming and painting the walls. We have a few things left to paint, but I am going to wait on those until this winter when we have a bit of a slow season. I think that is the best idea because it will allow for them to discuss what they want for the last mural and bit of wall to be done. I want this to feel like their room, after all.

I commented to my mother today that starting Sunday I will be crazy busy again. She replied, "When aren't you crazy busy?" This last year has flown by and my schedule is already filling up for the new year. I like it though. I like having a job that's crazy and unpredictable at times. I love having students show up in my office just to hang out because they were bored. I love going to games and sitting next to nervous parents as they watch their son or daughter play. So, while it keeps me busy, I don't mind.

If you are reading this, I am going to ask you a favor. Please send up a prayer for my youth groups this year. Both middle school and high school. Pray that they would encounter God in a powerful way. Pray that God would break through their walls and soften their hearts. And pray that their schedules don't get the best of them!!



Jennifer September 11, 2010 at 5:24 PM  

Love your thoughts and reflections...praying for you my friend!

Camber Carpenter September 15, 2010 at 5:08 AM  

new year! exciting stuff; you're doing great work. I'll be back in SoDak in December. I want to see you FOR REAL this time (it will be easier, I'm staying indefinitely!) not just a serendipitous bump-in in the park.

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