Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Just "whelmed"

A person can be overwhelmed. A person can be underwhelmed. But can a person just be "whelmed?"

There is a lot on my plate lately but it's not exactly overwhelming. However, I stay busy and challenged enough to not be underwhelmed either. There is a lot to be excited about this year. My high school youth group has tripled! However, this upcoming Sunday is confirmation, so we'll see if those numbers stay after that. I have told some people, but I am cautious about being excited about the growth because I am waiting to see some kids stop coming. Last year the first couple of weeks there were more than there were any other time of the year. I would love if they all stayed, but I bracing myself for the reality that they aren't going to. And that's maybe ok. In high school the kids that come are the kids that want to be there...for the most part.

I have been thinking a lot lately and that unusual for me. Just kidding. It's not unusual for me at all. I just keep wondering what God has in store for me. That's kind of selfish. During college I had direction but since seminary that has been so elusive to me. I am doing what I am doing but have no idea what the future holds. For a lot, that seems ideal. I have very few attachments, so the world is open to me (for the most part.) But what I want is some direction. I would like some goal to work toward. I have learned that I tend to get lazy without something to work toward. I love what I do now, but when 6th graders are asking me if I will still be here when they graduate, there is a small voice in my head that says, "I really hope that is not God's plan..."

I've known for awhile that my life wouldn't resemble those closest to me. I mean, I'm 25 and single. That's almost an unforgivable sin in the Midwest - especially if you are Christian! I should be multiplying God's kingdom by my family. What can I say... I'm a rebel. I will multiply God's kingdom through other means.

Just some rambling. SYATP was this morning. We had about 50 kids show up. Smaller than last year, but I'm still happy with the turnout.

That's all. Later.


Camber Carpenter September 30, 2010 at 10:26 AM  

Yeah, I was whelmed once.

You know, in my many years of life *ahem*, I've discovered that the most exciting opportunities have come when I'm most confused/unaware of the future.
It has felt like a test almost, though I'm not sure we're supposed to think that God tests us like this.
Hong Kong happened to me that way, and now something else has potentially come up--during a time when I had (um...have) no idea what I'm going to do next.

So I keep myself open, unfettered, and actively pursuing many different directions.
I'm a rebel, too ;)

Amanda November 20, 2010 at 1:30 AM  

i love your ramblings katie.

Amanda November 20, 2010 at 1:31 AM  

i love your ramblings katie.

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