Monday, October 18, 2010

Where did this month go?

Okay, seriously - how is it the 18th already? The last full day off I had was October 2nd. 16 days ago. So much has happened since then and so much I really can't share on this blog. However, there is some that I can share!

The Generations Meal was October 3rd and we had about 120 people show up for it. The youth did the evening service and hosted a meal afterward. I truly believe that God provided a little miracle with the food because we really only had enough food for 80-90 to eat and somehow we fed everyone. There was some multiplying of the ham and cheese sandwiches in the kitchen, I think.

That same week I left for Kansas City for a church conference. It was called the Leadership Institute and was held at the Church of the Resurrection United Methodist church. It is the largest UM church in the nation - 20,000 members roughly. It was great to be in Kansas City again - I got to stay with Anna and her grandparents! I was challenged by a lot and inspired by a lot. I am looking forward to implementing some of what I learned there in our little youth ministry in Milbank.

I came back from that on Saturday night, went to church Sunday morning and stopped back at my apartment for about 30 minutes to frantically unpack and re-pack before heading back to the church for another trip. This time I was headed to Lake Poinsett Camp with my 7th and 8th graders for a confirmation camp. It was a 24 retreat with 3 other church attending as well. It was a fun, quick trip.

I spent 3 very full days in Milbank after that - concerts, MS YF, volleyball game, playing catch-up in the office and in my apartment. Then this past Friday I packed up the church van again and headed to Jamestown, ND for the Senior High Conference Rally. I didn't lead a small group, but did help with the Music/drama section of the Arts village. We decided to do a drama based on Glee. I was the Sue Sylvester character. It was so much fun to be so mean! I even got to throw a slushy in the other adult leader's face - twice! It was his idea, so no hate mail! :) I also had the privilege of giving the Sunday morning message. It was short and sweet and a total nerve-wrecking experience for me. I do not think preaching is my calling, and that's ok with me!

Yesterday, an hour after I got back from North Dakota, I went to the church for a membership meeting. In a couple of weeks I will be officially joining the United Methodist Church. I am looking forward to this commitment. The United Methodist Church has been such a large part of my spiritual journey and it really is my home.

Hopefully life will slow down a little now. And I find some time off soon!


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