Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What fills my time...

Here is a list of things I have done or watched recently:

- Going for walks in the country.  Well, that is until the weather decided June should resemble late March...
- Watching North and South which never gets old.   
- Finishing an application for a job as a youth minister.
- Going camping at Lake Oakwood in the rain and cold
- Watching Roger Federer win the French Open!!!
- Laughing at http://awkwardfamilyphotos.com
- Watching clips from Late Night with Jimmy Fallon 
- Attaining Professional status in Wii Bowling
- Going out to eat and playing Wii with my friend Jill and her daughter Cayli
- Talking to various friends about their "youth ministry philosophies"
- Waiting to hear about a job - now I won't find out until June 16th.  Ugh.

I hope this post finds you in the middle of doing something fascinating.


Kim June 13, 2009 at 9:09 AM  

Some of the awkward family photos are more creepy than funny...but I have one I should totally submit later!

As for this post finding me while doing something fascinating, you're pretty much out of luck, as I am spending the entirety of my Saturday working at the library, where I have seen a total of 5 patrons come in in the last 2 hours and have helped only one of them. Sigh...

Jennifer June 15, 2009 at 11:03 AM  

Yeah Federer! I didn't get to watch any of it, but I was at least checking online...he's wonderful...really.

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