Sunday, March 21, 2010

Better Late than Never... Right?

I said that today to one of my students. They were frustrated because a boy was late for Sunday School because he was playing X-Box at home. I said, "I'm just glad he decided to come." That didn't make the first student very happy. I'm seeing an application for the prodigal son parable...

Anyway - it's been awhile since my weekend trips in February and I finally took the few pictures I took off my camera about 10 minutes ago. So - my apologies for the tardiness - but enjoy another glimpse into my life as a youth pastor.

Acquire the Fire

Group Photo: Apologies to Sarah for cutting off half her face.

I was taking their pictures - so they decided to take mine.

What I love about this picture:
Seth pretending to listen.
Chance laughing at Seth's effort.
John sleeping.

Senior girls

The Lutheran Youth Pastor Mike has a captive audience.


These are the only photos I took the entire weekend. At least they were entertaining.

That's actually how they look 90% of the time...

They are pretending to be adorable and lovable... it's a trick.

I hope you enjoyed the glimpse into my life lately.


Jennifer March 22, 2010 at 12:14 AM  

You look amazing in that green. Amazing.

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