Monday, March 8, 2010

Sort Of.

Sort of is kind of a filler word. People use it to give themselves time to think of what they are really trying to say. "Yeah, well, like, sort of, you know... it was good."

However, sometimes "sort of" completely changes the sentence. It can make good news not-so-good news. It can make bad news not-so-bad news.

"I love you....... sort of."
"You're going to live.... sort of."
"Congratulations! It's a boy!.... sort of."
"I am breaking up with you.... sort of."
"Yes, I think you're really funny.... sort of."
"You're fired.... sort of."

Turns out - the combination of "sort" and "of" makes for a quite a powerful little phrase. It could change your life!

Thanks to my new favorite comedian Demetri Martin for bringing that to my attention.... sort of.


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