Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sandbagging at Lake Poinsett Camp

Saturday I took a group from Milbank to Lake Poinsett Camp to help sandbag. It was a fun day. My niece and nephew came from Arlington to help as well! It was such a great experience - over 100 people were there to help the camp. It is so awesome to see people band together in times of need and respond to a call for help. It is crazy to see how high the water is considering when I worked at the camp it was really really low.

Enjoy a few of my favorite pictures from the day. Can you believe it? It happened yesterday and I'm posting this today.

Randi and Sierra became fast friends.
I think it is because Sierra is more "girly" than me.

Yep. She is definitely more "girly" than me...

The afternoon got a little chilly.
Sarah and Michael helped Jeremy block the wind...

It was so great to spend the day with Randi and Jacob.

This is the whole Milbank crew plus a couple of "honorary" members.


Anonymous March 29, 2010 at 3:17 PM  

Way to go, you volunteer leader you! :) Love the "honorary members" bit. Looks like you had a fun time- wishing I could be swimming out to those toys right about now! :)

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