Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sandbagging at Lake Poinsett Camp

Saturday I took a group from Milbank to Lake Poinsett Camp to help sandbag. It was a fun day. My niece and nephew came from Arlington to help as well! It was such a great experience - over 100 people were there to help the camp. It is so awesome to see people band together in times of need and respond to a call for help. It is crazy to see how high the water is considering when I worked at the camp it was really really low.

Enjoy a few of my favorite pictures from the day. Can you believe it? It happened yesterday and I'm posting this today.

Randi and Sierra became fast friends.
I think it is because Sierra is more "girly" than me.

Yep. She is definitely more "girly" than me...

The afternoon got a little chilly.
Sarah and Michael helped Jeremy block the wind...

It was so great to spend the day with Randi and Jacob.

This is the whole Milbank crew plus a couple of "honorary" members.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Better Late than Never... Right?

I said that today to one of my students. They were frustrated because a boy was late for Sunday School because he was playing X-Box at home. I said, "I'm just glad he decided to come." That didn't make the first student very happy. I'm seeing an application for the prodigal son parable...

Anyway - it's been awhile since my weekend trips in February and I finally took the few pictures I took off my camera about 10 minutes ago. So - my apologies for the tardiness - but enjoy another glimpse into my life as a youth pastor.

Acquire the Fire

Group Photo: Apologies to Sarah for cutting off half her face.

I was taking their pictures - so they decided to take mine.

What I love about this picture:
Seth pretending to listen.
Chance laughing at Seth's effort.
John sleeping.

Senior girls

The Lutheran Youth Pastor Mike has a captive audience.


These are the only photos I took the entire weekend. At least they were entertaining.

That's actually how they look 90% of the time...

They are pretending to be adorable and lovable... it's a trick.

I hope you enjoyed the glimpse into my life lately.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sort Of.

Sort of is kind of a filler word. People use it to give themselves time to think of what they are really trying to say. "Yeah, well, like, sort of, you know... it was good."

However, sometimes "sort of" completely changes the sentence. It can make good news not-so-good news. It can make bad news not-so-bad news.

"I love you....... sort of."
"You're going to live.... sort of."
"Congratulations! It's a boy!.... sort of."
"I am breaking up with you.... sort of."
"Yes, I think you're really funny.... sort of."
"You're fired.... sort of."

Turns out - the combination of "sort" and "of" makes for a quite a powerful little phrase. It could change your life!

Thanks to my new favorite comedian Demetri Martin for bringing that to my attention.... sort of.

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