Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Snapshot of Today

9:00 Go to work: Been working on some powerpoints for this Sunday (Rally Sunday). Today I was adding music slides and doing some other editing. Also went through music book in office to create a list of music for the youth praise band to learn.

11:45 Minor crisis with the copier in the office. As I am trying to leave for lunch since I actually had plans today, they recruit my help. My advice - restart the machine. And it worked.

12:05 Meet up with Mike, the Lutheran youth pastor and head over to the high school. We get our visitors badges and proceed to hang up SYATP posters. Visited with two ladies who were recruiting for Snow Queen (shared my embarassing Snow Queen story). We made our way to the lunch room to eat with some high school students. Menu was corn dogs. We stayed in the lunch room and talked with students (but did not eat.)

1:14 Head to Subway with Mike for lunch. Way better than corndogs.

2:00 Return to work for an hour before leaving again because I don't feel well.

3:30 Watch a Netflix, laying on the couch, slowly feeling better.

7:00 Arrive at Milbank High School to listen to a speaker, Pam Stenzel, talk about sex education. She was actually very good. Favorite thing she said: Opposites may attract for personalities, but character always attracts character. You will date what you are.

9:30 Watching Federer on the US OPEN - Soderling does not even have a chance...

On another note - a friend told me today that I have a "wealth of patience and servant-heartedness" That is the nices compliment I've recieved in a very long time. So thank you.


Jennifer September 10, 2009 at 11:26 PM  

Federer is AMAZING as usual...miss watching the Open with you this year.

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