Monday, December 14, 2009

Daily Wisdom Calendar

I have this "Daily Wisdom for a New Century" calendar on my desk. I inherited it with the office when I started my new job. Every day I am in the office I flip it to the correct date and read the pearl of wisdom (or in some cases the 'so-called' pearl of wisdom.) Today, however, it really hit home.

From Albert Schweitzer - a German/French theologian, missionary physician and Nobel Peace Prize recipient:

"I believe that I possess this value: to serve Jesus. I am less at peace than if my goal would be to attain a professorship and a good life, but I live. And that gives me the tremendous feeling of happiness, as if one would see a ray of light in a deep pit, as if one would hear music. One feels uprooted, because one asks, what lies ahead, what decisions should I make - but more alive, happier than those anchored in life. To drift with released anchor."

What really struck me is his example of "professorship" since that is the goal I have been striving toward until very recently. My situation here has caused me to pause and examine my goals. This quote has reminded me and convicted me that my goal is to serve Jesus. It is as simple and as difficult as that.


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