Saturday, February 20, 2010

my constant companion

As you know, I gave up grains for Lent. That means no bread, cereal, baked goods, pasta or rice for me. This has caused something unexpected to enter my life... weird dreams.

The night before Lent I dreamed that I baked 3 dozen muffins. Not only that, but I ate 2 muffins before I realized that I shouldn't eat them. I felt horribly guilty and then woke up.

Ash Wednesday night: I dreamed that my only talent in the world was eating bread. I'm not really sure how that is a talent, but so many people in my dream were sad over the fact that I was giving up the only thing I was really good at. (I hope there aren't deeper issues there...)

Thursday night: I dreamed that I took out my student leaders for senior high youth group. I took them to a Chinese restaurant and ordered some sort of meat and asparagus, I think. However, when I got my order it was spaghetti (and the sauce had carrots in it like it did in New Jersey). I was so confused because it was a Chinese restaurant and I can't eat spaghetti. I went to go complain and a mob of young teenagers shove me out of the way.

Good news - last night I didn't dream about food. I dreamed that I was driving in Princeton, New Jersey trying to find the train station.

This should be one interesting Lenten season. I just hope that all these weird things don't distract me too much from why I am doing this - to remember what Christ sacrificed.


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