Tuesday, February 2, 2010

what a day

When I left for work this morning, I couldn't open the garage door. I've had problems with it on and off since I've lived here, but today was the first time it mattered. I couldn't get in through the other walk-in door because it was blocked by a 3-foot snow drift. So... I walked to work.

On my way to work I dropped off my computer. This weekend it crashed again. It had happened once before and they were able to rescue it. So I leave it at the shop with little worry.

After the staff meeting I listen to a voicemail telling me my hard drive has completely crashed and she is not sure she'll be able to save anything from it. Strangely, I'm not upset. The last time I took it in, the lady had already put my pictures, files and music onto DVDs so I had almost everything anyway.

The secretary called her husband and they gave me a ride back to my apartment. He then shoveled out my walk-in door so I could open the large garage door from the inside. They are really too nice to me.

After work I decide to go pick up my computer case from the shop. While there I look at laptops since I decided I would buy a new one and might as well buy local. I end up walking out with a new computer in my case and an invoice with instructions to "pay however I can..." I'm in shock.

I finally get an oil change in my car. Severely overdue. Buy some chicken and make pot pie for supper. I am gorging on grain products right now because in 2 week I will be giving them up for 40 days.

Spent the rest of the night drooling over this new computer. It is so much fun playing around with it, downloading my music back onto it and just marveling at how fast it runs!

God is good. He provides even in the little things. I am constantly amazed.


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