Tuesday, December 27, 2011

11 things I learned in 2011

Granted, I've got a few days left to learn something in this year... 

11. Not having tv is something a person can survive. It may even allow them to thrive. 

10. The way to my nephew Kyle's heart is through anything to do with the movie Cars.

9.  The world's largest ball of twine in Darwin, MN makes for a great photo opportunity.

8.  No matter what I tell myself, I'm just not meant to be a Duke Blue Devil.

7.  I love the bands Mumford & Sons and He Is We.

6.  Chicago is my kind of town.

5.  My dad is the head of housekeeping (among other things) at his new job and hell didn't freeze over!  :)

4.  Always make sure you have your keys BEFORE you lock your car.  [see link for more info: http://auburnaudacity.blogspot.com/2011_05_01_archive.html]

3.  Life can be heartbreaking and the road can be difficult, but there is always hope.  Thank you for teaching that to me, Sam.

2.  My mother is stronger and more courageous than any of us ever knew.  

1.  God has a plan for my life.  It involves becoming a pastor.  Seminary, here I come again!


Jennifer January 1, 2012 at 4:18 PM  

I love this list. I love that it involves the ball of twine from Darwin and the lovely picture of you in Chi-Town! Happy New Year my friend!

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