Monday, November 9, 2009

let's start at the very beginning

A very good place to start.

This week we began to tackle some of the questions that were asked last week. When I thought about where to start - it dawned on me that we need to start with the most fundamental belief in any religion - the existence of God. If we cannot overcome our hesitations on this question - no other question really matters.

After discussing a few topics relating to God and completely confusing the students with a sidetrack into philosophy - I decided we should reflect on the times we were convinced of God's presence in our lives. We broke into pairs and talked about ways in which we are assured God acts in our lives. One leader talked of the time she fell asleep and drove through an intersection with her two kids in the car - unharmed. In that moment - she knew God existed and acted. Another student brought up the first time they encountered speaking in tongues and the reassurance that the Holy Spirit is very real and present - even if they don't have that specific gift. The fact it exists was enough to show him God's existence. Another talked about all the little things that have happened this year during the football season. All the little breaks they were able to take advantage of that has allowed them to head to the dome to play the championships this year.

The whole point was to show that God is active and speaking in our lives - even without the burning bushes. We just have to pay attention. The more we recognize God's involvement in our lives - the easier it is to trust Him. The more we see him being faithful - the easier it will be for us to believe it.

Sometimes it is difficult for us to see how God is active in our lives. Our tendency is to focus on the negative or difficult moments in our lives and ask why God wasn't there. What I suggested to the students and I would suggest to anyone who reads this blog is to ask those around you if they have noticed God working in your life. You might be surprised at their answers. I am sure if I asked you to tell me an instance of where you've seen God working in the life of someone you know - you wouldn't have to think very long before finding an example. Perhaps you should tell them - encourage them.

I also learned this week that people are very good at putting on the facade of a good Christian when they are really hurting inside. God wants an honest relationship with you - imperfections - issues - struggles - doubts - all of it. The more honest you can be - the more God can use you.

May you be as blessed in what God has called you to do as I have been by these students!


Shelly November 9, 2009 at 10:14 PM  

I think I am wanting to put this into practice in the next few weeks - and bring up with people where I've seen God working in their lives and on their behalf, for His glory. That's awesome girl.

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