Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thanksgiving Top 10

Tonight I made my students write a Top Ten List of experiences they are thankful for.

Numbers 1-3 are experiences where they were really happy.
Numbers 4-6 were everyday moments.
Numbers 7-9 were challenging times.
Number 10 was whatever they chose.

Here is my list:

1. My last day at Immanuel Church. Seems strange to be on my really happy list - but I was so overcome by the love of that church that day.

2. Graduating from USF - I worked really hard during college and that day meant so much to me.

3. Waking up in Paris on my 21st birthday with my two best friends. Once in a lifetime opportunity.

4. Playing ring around the rosy with my youngest niece - Lizzy. She always falls down before you sing "all fall down" and it makes me laugh every time.

5. Baking my first pie this summer - I was so happy to be home and in a kitchen again.

6. Sleeping in and waking up without my alarm going off - I would do that everyday if I could.

7. My Grandpa Rowen's funeral - the moment where Steve, Terri and Bridgett walked in and I lost it. It gave me the strength and encouragement I needed to face that day.

8. The last time I saw my Grandma Rowen - I had to change my entire schedule that week and get an earlier flight from MA - and even when I got there I didn't know what to say.

9. Being in the hospital room when Grandpa Henry died - I was not prepared for that - but was surrounded by family.

10. My extra experience was the Milbank Homecoming football game. It was the first time someone invited me to sit with them - so I really enjoyed myself. Also - it was the beginning of Milbank's winning streak that led them to the dome - quite a memorable experience!

I hope that this thanksgiving - you are thanking God for the experiences in your life that have shaped who you are - the great, the difficult and all the little moments in between! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Stacy November 25, 2009 at 10:42 AM  

Katie - you never cease to amaze me by your truly are an inspiration to me. I love you for than and thank you even more! Today I am extremely thankful for you and everything you give to me on a daily basis! Have a Happy Thanksgiving my dear! Miss you tons!
Love & Hugs, Stacy

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